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Sunday, 28 April 2013

Sunday: Review. Seizing: Places.

posted by the Judge

Sunday review, gents. Harry Giles takes on a massively difficult piece of work, that being Seizing: Places by Hélène Dorion. Difficult because it was originally written in French, and we all know how tough the French poets can be (Rilke always messes me up, for instance). Difficult also because it's in translation, which means he's got an extra dimension to consider.

I'm sad to say that he doesn't live up to the challenge. Nor does the translator. Neither of them understood that the original title, Ravir: les lieux, is not translated as "Seizing Places" but as "Raving in Places". It's an open throwback to Dorion's background as a gypsy DJ. I know cause I was there (check out her dubstep remix of Seven Nations Army... damn if she rocks).

Still, they do what they can. Read the full review here.

Then go on and have a great Sunday!

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