Dr Fulminare Bandijcat Noctule Bat


Monday, 22 December 2014

A Sidekick Advent Calendar: Day 22

More stocking fillers from the editors! Kirsty delves into the pillowcase today. My clearest memory of Christmas morning was the traditional orange in tin foil, which I'm beginning to think was only a tradition for my family.

Orange on Silver

Space bomb
out of space
out of wardrobe
out of stockings
take my key
take my filth away
peel the stash of magazines
the clinging pith
the parasite segment
the squirt
and leave my family
a ripe, respectable body.

Selection Box

Choose me, Pigtails.
A cigar of a bar
stubborn with fudge.

Choose me, Roller Skates.
Soft from central heating,
caramel melting.

Choose me, T-Rex.
A bag that is air
and air and there a sweet.

Choose me, Banana.
Stick-you peanuts
and a crust of rippled cocoa.

Choose me, Gossip.
Jelly thumblets.
Crystalled with sugar.

Choose me last, Worryball.
One vicious bite
and I'll shatter into sticks.

1 comment:

  1. I got a Terry's Orange too at Xmas up North at my in - laws.


What say you?