Dr Fulminare Bandijcat Noctule Bat


Friday, 31 July 2015

Korsakoff Returns via Poetry International

The pernicious influence of Dr F spreads! Sarah Howe is profiled this month on the Poetry International website, and one of her featured poems is 'Le 14 Juillet', which first appeared in Sidekick's fourth micro-anthology, Korsakoff's Paper Chain, which in turn looks a little something like this:

In this miniature volume, every poem was remade from the remains of another after it had been subjected to some form of violence. 'Le 14 Juillet' was once Tony Williams' poem 'Sleeve Notes', before a phial of word rot was spilled on the text, leaving only the verbs intact. Sarah Howe's poem was then shot full of holes by a rival of Dr F, before being restitched as Edward Mackay's 'Le 14 Juillet '68: apres le mai passe'.

We are very happy to see the results of this exercise in wanton literary vandalism (and restoration) preserved for further study!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jon

    We had a French friend called Patrick who suffered from Korsakoff syndrome and was eventually confined to an institution in Paris. I wrote a poem about him in my volume 'Fables From Fontainebleau'.

    Best wishes from Simon R. Gladdish


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