Dr Fulminare Bandijcat Noctule Bat


Thursday, 8 October 2015

Blackout Poems: A National Poetry Day Downloadable Anthology

It's National Poetry Day, and the theme this year is 'Light'. To celebrate, Dr Fulminare has resurrected five ex-Poet Laureates, and we've commissioned them, along with a raft of still-living Sidekick poets, to contribute to a new, free, downloadable pdf anthology, 'Blackout Poems'.

The poems are all written in the traditional 'blackout' style, which simulates reading in the dark. With iridescent page numbers.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kirsten

    Are there five extant ex-Poet Laureates? I look forward to downloading this generous gift.

    Best wishes from Simon R. Gladdish


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