Dr Fulminare Bandijcat Noctule Bat


Sunday, 18 December 2016

Sidevent Adkick Day 18: What's Going On Here?

We're nearly at the end of our Advent romp, with just under a week to go until the Christmas monkeys arrive. Here's a speedy recap of the Sidekick madness so far:

1. Lots and lots of bots!
Choose from Percianne Shellmoore, aka @anarchypangolin, Edwhirl Learchester, aka @QuoththePelican@PearlvQueen, @AnimeCarson, @SunsetPlaytime, Tephra Behrrigan, aka @BostonLibertine, @Gertrudes_Gifts, the humble award winner @BestMaleLead and Dorothy Parker meeting Philip Larkin for an @AmbulanceParty.

2. Special gift editions of our micro-anthologies!

Our mini-collections get the special treatment with hand-collaged cards and themed charms!

3. Play-poems galore!

Explore Twine-made verse adventures with Meat & Mustard, Shag v Cormorant, Mothra and In Search of Lost Species!

4. Miscellaneous Fulmaniacal utterances, including our call for submissions, the good doctor's Naughty/Nice list and a poem collaged from words of "gender alchemist" RuPaul Charles.

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